Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Exiting news arround Polycom Realpresence Mobile .
Polycom has broaden his support to the latest Samsung, HTC and Apple Devices.
This mobile innovation is an important part to video ubiquity.
Click on the picture below to zoom.
Personally what I like is that Polycom with a 20+ year track record in voice quality and owning more then 600 Pattens build this proven quality into this free Realpresence Mobile App available in Apple and Google Play Store. Additionally when using Polycom Realpresence Platform the App opens Enterprise benefits like AES Encryption, Authentication (Active Directory), Content Sharing, Centralized Addressbook, Firewall Traversal (work anywhere) etc.

Monday, 3 September 2012

It seems a lot of new developments are taking place in the Video Conference World. The one I would like to highlight is a new software release of CX7000 version 1.1 with some great exiting new features like O365 integration (Lync & Exchange), Hotdesking (switch user), additional languages, Polycom Ceiling Mic support etc.
See here a small video which highlights these new features.

There is a specific feature to mention and that is "Hotdesking" which gives the ability to temporarely login with your personal Lync account with access to your Buddies and Exchange Online meetings. The user experience is very common to a Lync user so easy to use and no training required in combination with Polycom HD Audio and Video.

You can find the new CX7000 1.1 software on Polycom support website ( Please be aware that the minimum version to upgrade from is 1.0.2 and no upgrade key is required.